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JingWen Ong ♥
020291, 19
Ngee Ann Polytechnic




June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
November 2010


Thursday, April 30, 2009

School started at ten and ended at three. We had two hours of Tax and Accounts each, with an hour of lunch break. Aftermath, home sweet home. :D
This was a relaxing week, I would say! It was either school started late or early dismissal. (: Today is the last day of school for the week and followed by three days of rest! Good!~
To be frank, I really don't know.
I don't know what are you trying to mean.
I don't need such attention from you.
I'm very lost!

Expect the Unexpected
7:21:00 pm

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Blues.
I sweared, I hate doing long Accounting or Costing questions in the early morning!

School started at nine and ended at eleven, two hours of Accounting. There was no Costing as Mrs Wee was on MC. (:

Okays, I attended GuanJie's grandmother's funeral. I wanted to pay respect and most importantly, accompany dearest HuiLan. She was sick, poor girl. Recover soon! :( It had been a year or more since we all last met. I did some catching up on various things with both parents and sisters. I would say, everyone were still alright overall. (:

Home sweet home, aftermath.

And again, Mrs Wee was on MC tomorrow, thus there was no Costing in the morning. Lesson starts at ten and ends at twelve. (((:
P/S: To all my friends, I sincerely apologise for my attitude at times. Sometimes, I really don't feel like opening my mouth to talk. Do bear with me for some time, I'm sorry! :(

Life is fragile, do treasure it.
Everything is in a big mess now.
I hate it!
Why can't you?
I was never happy ever since 19o5o9.
I feel that I was NOTHING to you.
Perhaps, I should admit fate..

Expect the Unexpected
9:42:00 pm

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Simply, work sucks a big time! I shall not elaborate on what happened yesterday.

Anyway, met up with Tracy after work. We had a Banana Dessert Pizza at Pasta Mania, it's on my treat. (:

Thanks for your accompaniment.
You are greatly appreciated. (:

Expect the Unexpected
5:18:00 pm

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday, again! (:
Well, we had Costing in the morning, and followed by S&W. Costing was still alright, but S&W was the one that tired everyone out. We had one round of jogging in the CarPark, half an hour of warm-ups and Captain Ball. And I perspired like hell! I gonna get muscles aches tomorrow again. :( Mrs Yu was kind enough to bring forwards the Accounting Lesson on Fridays to Wednesday's mornings (CAH), so school ended at 1130 for us. (:
However, I still stayed back for CCA - Culinary. This was my first time attending it, and I didn't expect it to be so interesting. We baked Cheese Cake, and it was Y-U-M-M-Y! There were some leftovers and I bought back home for family. (:
Lastly, WenYuan and I attended the Tea Reception held in the Business Enterprise Center. I thought it would be a very grand event, instead it turned out to be a sloppy one. The food catered was ordered from school canteen vendor and they were cold! It was super boring afterall! -.-;
And finally, HOME SWEET HOME! (: Okays, that will be all for now. I am working morning shift tomorrow, gonna take an early rest tonight!
Cheese Cake (:
One quarter of it eaten by sister
Certificate given by school
Sense of Achievement.

Mrs Caroline Yu - IQP's Class Advisor (:

WenYuan, Mrs Yu and Me
Smiles of Satisfactions (:

Adrian in his nerdy uniform. HAHA!


Just a simple piece of Cheese Cake really makes me think alot. It bring back alot of memories. It reminds me of you loving Cheese Cake, and wanting to eat everytime we saw them. How I wish I could bake them myself for you now. Perhaps, I have think too much already. :'(


Expect the Unexpected
8:38:00 pm

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I will stay strong, and pull myself through the darkest period.
All I need is Time, and I will be fine.
fake smile
I'm lost, very lost.
Yet, nothing comes from you.
You will never realised the weakest side of me.
I'm so used to having you around me, but now?
I'm left with NOTHING.

Expect the Unexpected
7:43:00 pm

Sunday, April 19, 2009

For you,
nothing is perfect.

Expect the Unexpected
6:58:00 pm

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's a tiring week, definitely!
I slept for 11 hours last night, and I am still feeling tired. See, I really need plenty of rest.
As usual, Saturday is always my working day when school starts. So, eight hours of work today. It wasn't that bad afterall. Just that my body's muscles are aching due to the S&W yesterday. :(
School started proper lessons on Wednesday, and every modules started off with dry theory. Every modules seem so new and tough to me now. And I totally have no idea if I can cope with it. Well, I know this year would be even tougher, but I'm not going to give up no matter what. (:
I am really glad that there is PEACE in class. And I hope this continues, thoughout the year. Well, perhaps, everything takes time to make up. (:
I was reading my dear cousin's blog earlier and I came across this particular post on her SIM University's Graduation Ceremony, which she posted recently. Just by strolling down and looking at each an every one of the photos, they really makes me tear. Firstly, she is only in her early twenties, and she is a University Cert's holder. Secondly, I really admire her determination and perseverance. No matter how much or how tough the obstacles were, she will pull herself through and overcome it without fail. Thirdly, the smile of contentments, fulfillments and satisfactions on her parents' and friends around her. The warmth really touched my heart alot. Sometimes, I really feel so shameful for myself, I feel so small as compared to others. For once, I took the wrong path, and I am going to regret for life. Looking at friends around me going into Poly with the course they are interested in, really makes me feel so regretful. I know if I want to succeed, I will have to pay double the price and hard work for everything from now on. Hopefully, those scene of the photos will always encourage me and act as my motivator thoughout.
Yahs, enough of that. I think I am going to get some rest soon. There are homeworks waiting for me to complete tomorrow.
Good nights! ^^

Expect the Unexpected
10:15:00 pm

Monday, April 13, 2009

(I just woke up from my two hours nap. :x)
Today is the first day of school! :D
Well, jolly-well dragged myself out of my cosy bed, washed up, bathed, prepared and trained to school. I thought I would be late for school, but guess what? School starts at nine for me! -.-; Damnit! There was no timetable updated on the Student Portal this time round, whereas, there was for the last semester. So, we were supposed to check for our respective classes at the Foyer in the morning. Thanks god, I am in the same class with the other nine of my classmates! That's still not that bad! (:
The timetable was pretty the same like Year 1's. So, it doesn't really affects me much. (: New class with new subjects with new teachers (for the exception of Mrs Tan S.O).

Main modules that I'm going to take in Year 2, Semester 1:

  • Advanced Accounting 1
  • Tax Computations
  • Costing

And not forgetting S&W and LPD. (: Guess these three new modules are gonna be a heavy one. ):

I'm going to start sleeping early tonight, if not I will be damn sleepy when noon comes. :x
Anyway, it's a new start for me, a new goal for me!
Jiayou! ^^

I prayed hard that life would be a peace.

Expect the Unexpected
5:58:00 pm

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Good Friday!
Well, I merely worked for six hours and I sweared it was HELL! The crowd didn't subside at all through out the six hours when I'm working! Break time for every staffs was delayed by hours. Chefs had to replenish the amount of servings, servers had to serve dishes and clear the tables simultaneously, as for me, I had to take long orders after one another. Overall, the net sales was great! A pat on your shoulders for the hard work! (:
I thought I could rest for two days before school reopens, but never did I expect, outlet called up and requested for replacement tomorrow. -.-; And I promised to work tomorrow for eight hours. Well, neverminds, I still can get my stuffs on Sunday! (:
I am dog-tired right now! I really need plenty of rest! :(
How I wish time could backtrack sometime.
We aren't like this, you don't behave and treat me this way in the past.
That hurtful tone!
You had never used those words on me, never.
A week passed, and yet I'm still so lost.
Sometimes, I wonders how great if we had not met.
What more can I do?
Will you let me know?
I tried my very best.
I'm struggling.
When will all these tortures end?
I'm losing my confidence and faith.
Oh well, exactly three months more!
I can never imagine!

Expect the Unexpected
10:38:00 pm

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I had my haircut this morning!
Shortened my fringe and trimed my back.
It costed me only ten bucks. (:

Well, I was supposed to meet up with the girls for lunch at three in the afternoon.
But couldn't make it.
So sorry! (:
BF's enlistment letter arrived, and he is enlisting on Friday, 10th July.
Exactly three months more to go. :'(
Anyway, four days more to school reopen!
Sians! -.-;
Happy 11th Months of togetherness!

Expect the Unexpected
2:27:00 pm

Monday, April 06, 2009

Upon hearing what you told me, tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably.
Things happened in a blink of eye, I don't know how to react to it.

I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Upset, really.
meaningless, so meaningless.

Expect the Unexpected
10:14:00 pm

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Okays, let's start with yesterday. (:
In the afternoon, headed to AMK Hub with XiWen. This was the first time we went shopping after knowing each other for more than a year. We did handphones' hunting most of the time, and realized that there isn't any nice one in the market at the moment. What a sad thing! :( Nevermind, I shall reconsider about it then. Finally I bought my Eye-liner at Skin Food. And not forgetting that we met Ah Hao and Cindy too! (:
It's April Fool today!
Have fun fooling and get fooled peeps! :D
At the same time, results were out today. I was glad that I didn't done badly as I expected. My GPA did improved and I got all As for all three subjects. Well, I'm really pleased that my IAC improved. (:

Expect the Unexpected
9:35:00 pm