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JingWen Ong ♥
020291, 19
Ngee Ann Polytechnic




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Monday, March 30, 2009

I had a bad time working lately! First, I forgotten to bring my cap to work previously. And the other day, my cashier float is short of fifteen bucks! So kind of Andy to help me pay half the amount. Thankyou! (:
GRRR! I'm so, so, so, so, so damn careless! :'(
Anyway, I'm off for three consecutive days. Is this good or bad? It's pretty good because I can rest all I want to the max. Just like today, I slept for full twelve hours! (: It's bad because there is no income, you see. ): Well, nevermind! Let's not worry too much. It's blogging time! :D
Sunday, 29th March 2oo9
BF accompanied me to AMK's Cash Converters in the afternoon, as I'm intending to sell off my old Sony MP3 Player which was given as a Birthday's Present by a friend a year back. Thus happily went there, and ended up only worth ten bucks! -.-; Due to the low quoted price, I didn't sell it away as both BF and parents said it's not worth it. Instead, I kept it for own use, in any cases of MP3 Players break down in future. (:

Anyone interested? LOL.

I bought the Ellips Hair Vitamin's capsules. It was rather cheap and heard that it was effective, so wanna give it a try! (:

Off to Town aftermath! Firstly, we headed to Tangs to grab some bits at Sushi Deli. It had been donkey years since I last ate Sushi, okays! I used to hate the taste and smell of the Japanese's sticky rice, but to my surprise, I ate two and still wanting more! :P Next, we headed to Cineleisure to pass HuiPing GV's movie tickets. Lastly, we walked to Plaza Singapure. Initially, we planned to go Bugis, but it was raining cats and dogs, thus we decided to stay at Plaza Sing. We settled down at Ajisen (again!) for our early dinner. It seems that we are loving Ajisen, and Ajisen had been our hot-spot for meals nowadays! :D We had desert at the basement's Ice Monster. And we went shop, shop, shop, shop and shop again! A pair of handphone's chain caught my attention, and decided to get it for BF as well. (:
Sushi Deli
Cuttlefish, Spicy Tuna, Unagi, Egg, Baby Octopus
BF's Seafood Ramen (again!), Mine's Chicken Teriyaki Ramen.
Together with Fried Chicken (again!), White Fish and Cuttle Fish.
*I sweared, this is so much more better as compared to VivoCity's.
Home Sweet Home (:

Expect the Unexpected
1:08:00 pm

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This week would be quite a relaxing week for me, I would say. I'm only working four days with short hours. Yesterday, I replaced Andy for his shift. And guessed what, I forgotten to bring my cap to work! Luckily, I found a cap in my locker, and happily took and wore it. But later realized that the cap belonged to WanXin instead. No choice, I have to return her and ended up I knocked off at 0430, instead of six.
See, how forgetful I can be! ):
Well, I have got two new working mates by the name of HuiYing and Jessica. They are really nice people to work with. (:
Boy is down with sorethroat and flu!
Get well soon! ):

Expect the Unexpected
12:33:00 pm

Enjoy! :D

Expect the Unexpected
11:47:00 am

Monday, March 23, 2009

We had our lunch at Japanese Gourmet Town at Vivo City. It houses three restaurants from three cities under one roof, and there is Ajisen Ramen (from Kyushu), Botejyu Okonomiyaki (from Osaka) and Sapporo Curry Yoshimi (from Hokkaido).
BF had Tom Yam Ramen with a glass of Green Tea, while I had Seafood Ramen, and we shared a plate of Fried Chicken. Everything taste nice, just except for the glass of Green Tea. It tasted as plain as mineral water, HORRIBLE!
Lastly, the services sucks too. There were no condiments given despite of them placing on the serving station, and the service staffs were so unfriendly. That will be my first and last time stepping into that restaurant. (:
Next, we headed down to Town. We alighted from Dhoby Ghaut and walked all the way to Far East Plaza. Came across this café called SLICE selling dessert which is made up of flavoured ice, sliced into many fine layers complemented with delicious toppings. They are quite affordable pricing from $3.50 to $4.50 each. Well, they are having a 'Buy 2 Get 1 Free' promotion now.
We had
FirstDate - champagne grape slice + aloe vera plup + blueberry puree,
MajorCrush - milk slice + cushed oreo + chocolate sauce + rainbow rice, and
BreakfastinBed - milk slice + cornflakes + chocolate sauce + rainbow rice.
The day ended off with a huge wide smile!

Expect the Unexpected
11:45:00 pm

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Escape Theme Park
Great day! :D

Expect the Unexpected
7:53:00 pm

Friday, March 20, 2009


Swimming session with lovely cousins at Grandparents' house in the morning.
It has been ages since I last stepped into the swimming pool!
We had plenty of fun afterall!

Expect the Unexpected
10:23:00 pm

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well, worked from twelve to five today. And met up with Boy for dinner at Bugis! (: I had Sweet & Sour Fish Rice, while Boy had Black Pepper Chicken Cutlet Rice. Delicious! :D
Boy fried these French Fries for me. They really taste great! Thankyou love!
Carebears Are Loved.
Boy bought another little Pink Carebear for me, as the previous one had already torn! :D

Expect the Unexpected
11:12:00 pm

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's working time!
I will be very tired when I reached home after work.
So I don't think I will have the time to update everyday.
HAHA! [:
Seeya! ^^

Expect the Unexpected
9:19:00 pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yays! It's holidays! :D
Just a word to describe the exams - Suck. Seriously, I didn't expect the papers to be so difficult and tricky. :( Well, it's over already so there's no point complaining about it. Let's hope that I will not do very badly for it.
Baby and I had Pepper Lunch for dinner at Suntec City.

Both of us had Teriyaki Pepper Chicken. With additional of a dollar, it comes with a regular drink, Salad and soup. Worthwhile! (:

And we had Caramal Soft Ice-cream for dessert. (:
It's damn full, okays! :D
Bought myself a wallet from Wallet Shop, together with XuanHao. As they are having a promotion right now - Purchase any two items or more and will be able to enjoy a 15% off the total amount. Though it's merely 15%, it really makes a difference - CHEAPER by a few dollars! Hahas! :D


Expect the Unexpected
11:40:00 pm

Saturday, March 07, 2009

On Thursday, 5th March, IQH had their lunch at Bishan Library's Cafe Galilee, a treat from our class advisor, Mrs Tan. (:

Everyone had Spaghetti with Chicken Chunks and a can of Coke.
A shot with Edeline, HuiPing and WanXin.
A big thank you to Mrs Tan! (:
All the best, IQH!


Expect the Unexpected
9:08:00 pm

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Class IQH
Time flies, one year had passed.
And I agreed we had been through alot.
Well, we gonna spilt class for Year Two.
Anyway, best of luck for IQH.

Expect the Unexpected
5:25:00 pm